
Week 3

All day Monday, we ripped recyclable and resuable materials out of the trailer: sinks, cabinets, tiling, light fixtures, copper pipes and wire, plates, doors, and of course appliances. We tore a few windows out for a future green house project. We stored appliances for the future homeowners and took other reusables to Wabi Sabi. At the end of the day, the trailer was gutted and ready to load onto axles.

Tuesday morning, we gathered to discuss our independent design projects and were treated to donuts by Emily. Eric Plourde guided us through the basic elements and steps of developing a plan for clients. We will meet with the homeowners, Eric and Nancy, to deliver our final plans in mid May. The projects include: 1) rainwater catchment, 2) greywater filtering and use, 3) permaculture landscaping, and 4) solar hot water heater for an outdoor shower- to be installed at the Community Rebuilds campus house.

Behind us, Darren and his crew were adding the tongue and axles to the trailer. They had a clever system of ratcheting the trailer sideways by using a roller and rail. We said over and over "I can't believe they're going to be able to drive this outta here". Around one o'clock, we watched as the trailer left the site. We soon followed in cars to watch the final disposal by Grand County Solid Waste at the debris dump.

Returning to the site in the afternoon, we marked out the dimensions of the straw bale and earthen plaster home we will be building. We busted out the Pythagorean theorem to ensure our corners were squared- 3-4-5- a blast from our geometry past.

Tomorrow morning is groundbreaking. Later this week or early next week the concrete foundation will be poured!

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