
Day 7: Finished the trusses!

On day two we arranged all our cut board in piles on the deck. We assembled one truss, then screwed in guide boards to act as a mold for the next 17 trusses.

When a truss is assembled on the floor, we staple all the joining seems (powerful staple guns that often jam), then add plates over the joints. The plates are somewhat like metal velcro- a really disturbing texture to grab haphazardly with your hands. We add one more staple to the plate to hold it on, then pop the truss out of the mold.
We lift the truss onto the rollers and nail the same plates to the other side of the joints.
Lastly, we run the trusses through a press (in the background, below) which presses the plates into the wood, making one strong, unified truss.
We made 24 trusses total, all pressed in one day! Two different sizes: 18 through the center of the roof, and 6 for the sides that have a shorter pitch.

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