
CNN article on moral debate over drone 'terrorist' killing

Moral debate? Whoever thinks they are on "the other side" of this "moral debate" disgusts me. Anyone remember when US citizens were given fair trails? This is not only illegal, it is sickening to think of our government's disregard for human life.

USA for KGB 2011!



  1. Do you think it is significantly different when they kill terrorists that are not us citizens?

  2. No, I don't think it is different at all. I think we have, unfortunately, become used to our govt playing the role of corrupt international police officer. I am astounded that we have apparently grown so numb to it that there are no legal repercussions for these actions. Do you think it is that citizens have too much fear or too much complacency to act out against these things?

  3. Brazenly loathsome.

    I read about this the other day, and was absolutely shocked and sad. I'm glad you're passing the word along. It's hilarious how murder is a moral debate. Welcome to moral relativism in the year 2011.

  4. http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/10/06/idINIndia-59734620111006

    Secret U.S. panel can put Americans on "kill list'

    "They confirmed that lawyers, including those in the Justice Department, were consulted before Awlaki's name was added to the target list."
